Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Golden Son by Shilpi Somaya Gowda- Worth the Golden Title!

The Golden Sun by Shilpi Somaya Gowda

Rating System:
5- Fix-tastic! I have seen the light and it's in this book!
4- Fix-alicious.  Best served with wine!
3- Fairly Fix-worthy.  Not a perfect "F" but I wouldn't kick it out of bed, wink wink.
2- Fixer-Upper- Sounds like a good idea but even HGTV would have a hard time with this one!
1- Don't Fix It, Nix It.  Enough said.

I would actually rate this book a 4.5! There are so many positive things to say about Ms. Gowda's writing. The story was very compelling and I was mentally and emotionally invested from the beginning. This was largely due to the quality of her character development. I cared so much about even the minor players in the book because of how real they seemed. The portrayal of rural Indian culture and the complexities of family expectations was very educational and thorough and it's surprising that the author herself was not raised in India. The marriage dowry practice and virtual enslavement of women was devastating to read. She was equally adept at navigating the challenges of immigrating to America and balancing two cultures. I happen to live in an area with a large population of Indian immigrants and I found this book to be very enlightening about the trials they face. A wonderful read!

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