Friday, July 15, 2016

Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley- Quirky and clever!

Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley
*** This is an individual review,  not from my book club***

Rating System:
5- Fix-tastic! I have seen the light and it's in this book!
4- Fix-alicious.  Best served with wine!
3- Fairly Fix-worthy.  Not a perfect "F" but I wouldn't kick it out of bed, wink wink.
2- Fixer-Upper- Sounds like a good idea but even HGTV would have a hard time with this one!
1- Don't Fix It, Nix It.  Enough said.

Anyone who reads this story is bound to make comparisons to Life of Pi and there are indeed a number of similarities.  There is a dream-like quality to many chapters, with other notes of reality sprinkled in.  The clever comparison of a tumor to an octopus allowed the author to bring a cancer battle to life.  I've never thought of an octopus as being a particularly aggressive or dangerous creature, but it certainly works with the appearance of the tumor and its invasive, tentacle-like invasion into poor Lily.  Ted, the main character and owner of Lily, was endearing in some ways, but definitely has some mental issues.  He has been lonely for far too long and is clearly losing his grip with reality.  I won't spoil the ending, but it's interesting how the relationship with Lily parallels to his future relationships.  Not plausible, but interesting. The author wasn't going for believability, though, and I think the beauty of the book is in its allegorical approach to describing the impact a pet can have on its "person".   It is definitely one of the quirkiest and oddest books I've read in a while, but I found myself loving it!  That may have something to do with my being an obsessive dog lover...

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